Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Time for a refresh of sorts

Hello all,

Things have always been good here, and you all have helped make it that way, however I have started a new blog here.  The first post there pretty much sums it up, but I haven't really felt connected to this blog mostly from my own of perception of Chaos as I've changed over the years.  Granted, GW has put Chaos on a bit of a roller coaster in a design sense over the years.  Ah... 3.5... *ahem*

Instead of changing everything here, I felt it was easier to start over with the experience of blogging that I have now.  Slim it down a bit, cut out the things that aren't around anymore or I don't do.  Basically my entire life is starting over... I left teaching Uni after 7 years to start my own glassblowing studio, we also moved from the city to a smaller town on 3 acres of land.  My life is sort of upside down at the moment.  Utter Chaos even. 😂

Hopefully the new content will be more engaging, and have a little something for everyone.  Modeling, painting, AND gaming.  Even though I will probably get some game mechanic things wrong there, like I keep wanting to Advance Renegade Trait Raptors/Warp Talons after they DS... and you can't do that anymore, at the least you'll know what not to do. 😅

You are more than welcome to come along for the new ride.

Thanks for all your time with me here.

Hopefully I'll see you over there.


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